Friday, 7 December 2012

Survey result in pie chart!

Majority of the respondent are female.

Most of the respondents are around 21 until 25.

The following question has 4 sub questions. The main question is that " How much do you agree that Subway is fresher than other food chains?

Most of the respondent strongly agree about Subway's food are much more fresher than KFC 

The second question goes on

Third question

most of the respondent agree that ingredients used in Subway is fresh

Fourth question

Fifth question

Majority of the respondent agree that Subway's sandwiches are fresher and better than home-made sandwiches


  1. Are you the Regular customer of Ruby Tuesday Restaurants.? If yes then there’s such a good news for you.
    TellRuby Tuesday come with Ruby Tuesday Survey, which the main goal is to gather information about
    their customer Feedback. is an official website of Ruby Tuesday Survey.
    Here you have a golden opportunity to share your experience to Tell Ruby Tuesday restaurant.

    Ruby Tuesday Survey

  2. Helpful artical.
    Thanks for a well written and informative post.
    Tell Subway Customer Feedback Survey
